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New Release 5.0.0

Network Upgrade 5 The 5.0.0 release supports NU5 activation on mainnet, which will occur at a block height of 1687104 (May 31st), following the targeted EOS halt of our 4.6.0-2 and 4.7.0 releases on May 16th. Release binaries will be…

Zcash Community Website Rebuilt!

This has been long overdue but I’m excited to present the new website! The goal with this redesign was to put more focus on community built content (on the front page!) while providing content that Zcash users can point…

New Release 4.7.0

TL;DR: Release 4.7.0 marks a major milestone on the path to NU5. It enables full support for the Orchard shielded protocol and Unified Addresses on testnet. Unified Addresses can also start being used on mainnet, but funds cannot be…